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Publisher Manage: UI/ UX update

Written by Udit Verma

Another Beautiful day with a new update in Trackier 2.0, Now we added an amazing updates on Publisher manage page to make is very accessible, a standard format, and smooth usage. Let’s find out what new we got! Standard Action […]


Advertiser Manage: UI/ UX update

Written by Udit Verma

  It’s getting more easy and efficient to Manage Advertisers since the Trackier 2.0 is launched. This new update constitutes all the benefits of easy optimization. Let’s see through this article about what makes it more interesting. And Action...! Managing […]

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Title: Pixels v/s Postbacks: Which Tracking Method is Better

Written by Mukul Kaushik

  Marketers are often stuck between choosing pixel tracking or postback tracking when it comes to performance marketing. These two major tracking methods are most commonly used among marketers, and because of its features, sometimes, it’s hard to determine which […]

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Top 5 Ways to Use Influencer Marketing for your Product

Written by Mukul Kaushik

 Before the rise of the internet, the term influencer marketing was limited to celebrities like movie/music stars. However, there are so many opportunities and room for innovations that also came with the internet. One of such avenues for growth is […]

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How to Become a Successful Affiliate Marketer?

Written by Mukul Kaushik

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to make money even while you’re asleep. Not many people know of this simple way to earn a superb side income. At the onset, let me tell you that affiliate marketing is simple but […]

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Google Chrome to Change SameSite Cookie Behavior in its upcoming Release in February 2020

Written by Mukul Kaushik

Background on the Google Chrome announcement:In May 2019, Chrome announced the next updates to its browser’s privacy and identity features. They announced changes to impose a stricter requirement on cookies, in particular, indicators for better classification of cross-site behaviour and […]

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Digital Marketing Trends You Should Watch Out For in 2020

Written by Mukul Kaushik

  This year is almost at the end. So, everyone is making plans for next year. For marketers, each year comes with new strategies on how to get the most of their marketing plans. They are anxiously waiting for the […]

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Best content Strategy for Affiliate Marketing

Written by Mukul Kaushik

To put it simply, affiliate marketing is a partnership developed between a brand, looking to increase sales and promote their products, and an affiliated person. Affiliates can be anyone from influencers, to bloggers or other businesses. In return for their […]

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Creative Management hasn’t been that much easy before

Written by Mukul Kaushik

 Campaign creatives in Trackier platform allow you to host and upload all creative related to a campaign at one place as these creatives are used by publishers to drive conversions to campaigns. Trackier provides infrastructure to host and serve these […]

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Guide to Content Creation for Affiliate Marketing That Ranks and Converts

Written by Mukul Kaushik

It’s safe to say that content marketing is the best affiliate marketing method. You can reach numerous people every single day by simply blogging, building infographics, offering engaging videos, and take control of the conversation.  Building a subscriber list is indeed […]

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