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Make Sure You Read the Signs Right

View the full circle of your campaign from pre-installation to in-App engagement. Take a deeper look into customer LTV to identify the soft spots and optimize them for better retention.
Make Sure You Read the Signs Right

Switch to Smart Marketing With Actionable Insights

Zoom in on User Activity

Zoom in on User Activity

Set custom in-App events to estimate the level of user engagement. Spot the touchpoints that lead to dropouts.

Plan Expenses for Double Gains

Plan Expenses for Double Gains

Improve your ad spend strategy by focusing on channels that engage maximum users. Run re-targeting campaigns for selected leads.

Define Realistic KPIs

Define Realistic KPIs

Use the historical data to recognize user interests. Personalize the campaigns with linkages between popular digital touchpoints to increase your ROI.

Simplify E-Commerce

Simplify E-Commerce

Visualize the full customer journey. Use the deep linking feature to create smooth and measurable sales funnels.

Retain Mobile Users

Retain Mobile Users

Understand user response to your engagement strategies with detailed App analytics. Stay where your customers choose to be in the mobile, web, and CTV domains.

Lead the SaaS Space

Lead the SaaS Space

Integrate with multiple ad networks, media sources, and analytics partners to trace conversions. Pay for the partners and ads that propel your growth.

Profiting from Partner Attribution

Profiting from Partner Attribution

Understand the nature of traffic brought by your partners. Optimize your campaign to maximize user LTV through in-App events and ads.

Connect with SkAd Network

Connect with SkAd Network

Extract data from SKAN and view it in a unified dashboard for a comprehensive view of your campaign’s performance.

Secure User Privacy

Secure User Privacy

Study user behavior as per their location, device, and channel preferences without accessing their sensitive data.

Outrun Your Competition With Superior Analytics Features

SDKS2S Integration

SDK/S2S Integration

Exclusive APIs to give a complete picture of your campaigns.

Cost ETL

Cost ETL

Comprehensive way to check marketing costs through the life cycle of an App.

Branded Domain

Customisable domains and affiliate links to let your business speak out.

Let Us Help You Get Started

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We’re with you in each step!

Speak to an expert at Trackier to see how we can help you make impactful campaigns!