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How To Utilize Waste Traffic With The Fallback Setting?

Written by Udit Verma

While running affiliate marketing campaigns, Affiliate Networks have an option to utilise waste traffic on their Trackier Panel. You can use the Fallback URL settings via which if the conditions are not met, you can redirect the traffic on a […]


Learn how to manage your advertiser creatives using Trackier

Written by Udit Verma

In Trackier panel the Campaign Creatives option allows you to host and upload all creative related to a campaign such as advertiser creatives at one place as these creatives are used by publishers to drive conversions to campaigns. With Trackier […]

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Learn how to target your affiliate marketing campaign to a preferred audience

Written by Udit Verma

It is no secret that some Affiliate Marketing Campaigns perform completely differently in different demographics or Geos. This is primarily due to the different nature of different audiences divided on the basis of various factors. Due to this nature of […]

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How to set up a CAP based on various KPIs for your affiliate marketing campaign?

Written by Udit Verma

While running an Affiliate Marketing campaign, the campaign runners tend to apply a CAP on particular traffic let’s say a partner publisher to cope up with their budget constraints. What is a CAP? When running an Affiliate Marketing Campaign, if […]

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How to integrate your publisher pixels for Google & Facebook Ads Tracking?

Written by Udit Verma

Pixel tracking is one of the major tracking methods used by Performance Marketers while running their campaigns. This method is used while predominantly used while running Google Ads Campaigns & Facebook Ads Campaigns to record conversions for a particular campaign. […]

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Affiliate Campaign Setup tips to help scale your business

Written by Udit Verma

Every Affiliate Marketeer tends to work with a lot of publishers while running an affiliate marketing campaign to reach out to varied users & tap into different geographies which they weren’t previously able to get through to. While working with […]

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How to test your publisher postback & why is it important?

Written by Udit Verma

After the addition of the Publisher Postback, it is advised that you run a Publisher Postback Test before taking your Performance Marketing campaign live. If you are facing any issues while adding the Publisher Postback, then please check out this […]

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Follow These Steps To Add Your Publisher Postback

Written by Udit Verma

The Postback is primarily used to share information such as app events, conversions, sales, registrations & lead captured with the publisher. This can be done either at the Global level or Campaign Level to pass the necessary information. Follow these […]

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How To Add A Publisher To Your Trackier Panel?

Written by Udit Verma

Who Are The Publishers In Affiliate Marketing? An affiliate marketing publisher is a business entity or an individual website owner that earns commissions for referring sales, leads, and traffic or app installs, etc to an advertiser by placing affiliate marketing […]

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How to integrate with your advertiser via image/iframe pixel?

Written by Udit Verma

To track your performance with a particular advertiser you need to share your img/iframe pixel if you want to use pixel tracking as the primary method to tracking. The tracking pixel can simply be placed on the advertisers thank you […]

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