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Non-organic install (NOI)

Written by Udit Verma

Non-organic Install (NOI) A non-organic install (NOI) refers to an app download that happened as the result of marketing activity (e.g. a paid or owned media campaign).   What are NOIs? Non-organic installs happen when a user chooses to download […]



Written by Nikhil Kumar

Click to Install time (CTIT) is the time between clicking on the online advertising  and opening the versatile application interestingly after effectively downloading the application structure application store. It is numerically derived from subtracting the initial time application open time […]

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Organic install

Written by Bharath S.

Organic install The term “organic installs” refers to app downloads that take place without any direct marketing efforts to attract users through paid or owned media campaigns. Organic installs are downloads made by users who independently learn about apps through […]

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