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SEO for Mobile Apps: Why Mobile Marketers Need A Search Engine Optimization Strategy

Written by Reshu Manglik

Getting found out by potential users only via the app store isn’t sufficient for today’s mobile app market. Mobile marketers need an airtight SEO for mobile apps strategy to make sure that they are getting eyeballs even from search engines […]


The Unlikely Ally: Benefits of Reddit Ads for Mobile Marketers

Written by Mridula Bhatt

With billions of smartphone users worldwide, reaching your target audience on their mobile devices is not just advantageous but essential for staying ahead in the competitive market. However, amidst the plethora of advertising platforms available, one often overlooked gem stands […]

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The Imperative of Competitive Analysis

Written by Mridula Bhatt

Every day, thousands of new apps emerge, seeking to carve their niche in users’ smartphones. Amidst this fierce competition, the need for strategic planning and insightful decision-making becomes paramount. Just as a seasoned explorer navigates through the dense foliage, developers […]

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CTV Incrementality: The Smarter Way to Mobile Growth

Written by Mridula Bhatt

With its ability to seamlessly blend the power of television with the interactivity of the internet, CTV advertising offers a plethora of perks that traditional mediums can only dream of. However, amidst this digital revolution, one concept stands out for […]

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Tailored Triumphs: Custom Product Pages for App Store Success

Written by Mridula Bhatt

In today’s mobile-first economy, where app stores are flooded with countless options, standing out is crucial for success. One often overlooked but immensely powerful tool for app developers is creating custom product pages. These pages serve as the storefront for […]

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Redefining User Engagement: Comprehensive Guide to Dynamic Ads

Written by Mridula Bhatt

Dynamic ads, characterized by their ability to adapt and personalize content based on user behavior and preferences, have redefined how businesses engage with their target audience. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of dynamic ads, exploring their […]

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The Casual Way to Stay Connected: Email Marketing for Mobile Apps

Written by Mridula Bhatt

Where apps compete for attention, mastering the art of promotion is indispensable. Amidst the myriad of marketing channels available, email stands out as a timeless and powerful tool for reaching both existing and new users. With its unparalleled ability to […]

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OTT Marketing – A Comprehensive Guide to Successful OTT Ads

Written by Mridula Bhatt

As streaming services continue to dominate the entertainment industry, OTT platforms have become an integral part of consumers’ daily lives, offering a diverse range of content accessible on-demand. This paradigm shift in viewing habits has not only revolutionized entertainment but […]

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Era of Inventive Breakthroughs: Mobile App Trends and Predictions for 2024

Written by Mridula Bhatt

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. As we step into 2024, the mobile marketing arena is poised for significant transformations. From cutting-edge technologies to innovative strategies, the coming year promises to redefine […]

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Learn To Harness Data For Success Using Media Mix Modeling

Written by Nikhil Kumar

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, the role of media in shaping consumer perceptions and driving business growth cannot be understated. As businesses strive to reach their target audiences effectively, the concept of the Media Mix Marketing Model emerges as […]

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