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Last click attribution

The Last-Click attribution model credits the final touchpoint in the buyer’s journey as the influencing factor that converted a lead into a customer.


What is last-click attribution?

Last-click attribution measures which touchpoint, such as an ad, blog, video, or web page, the customer last clicked on before making a purchase.

 It helps marketers pinpoint the marketing channels and touchpoints that have the most influence during the decisive phase of a buyer’s journey. It is assumed that this touchpoint is what motivated the lead to place an order.

Here’s an example to help you understand how last-click attribution works in practice: 

Let’s say Jack finds your website via an Instagram advertisement. He browses your website but doesn’t buy. 

A few days later, Jack Googles your company name to look around your website again but doesn’t convert. 

He later encounters a PPC ad, clicks on it to access your website, registers for a free demo, and after viewing the demo, converts. 

Example: Under the last-click attribution model, you’ll give all the credit for the conversion to the PPC ad and ignore other touchpoints (Facebook ad, organic search).


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