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Landing Page in Performance Marketing Campaign

When setting up your performance marketing campaign in an attribution tracking solution like Trackier, you’re often asked to add the link to your landing page. But what exactly is a landing page? How is it different from a regular web page? Let’s explore it further. 

What is a Landing Page in a Performance Marketing Campaign? 

In any performance marketing campaign, a landing page is a standalone web page where the campaign leads the user to. It is specifically designed for marketing or advertising campaigns. Landing pages are highly targeted and personalized to drive conversion and reduce customer acquisition costs. 

Where are landing pages used: 

  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Search ads 
  • Social media ads 

Difference between landing pages and home pages? 

There’s a common misconception that a home page and landing page are the same thing and hence they use it interchangeably in their performance marketing campaigns. In reality, they are quite different in terms of purpose. 

  • Home Page: Home page is the first page that loads when you visit a website. It offers an overview of the brand, what it does, and how it does. 
  • Landing Page: Landing pages are the single pages that contain focused content driving conversion for a specific product or service with a defined CTA like sign up, add to cart, request demo, etc. 

Can You Set Multiple Landing Pages in a Performance Marketing Campaign?

Yes. Trackier’s Performance Marketing Software allows advertisers (and brands) to set multiple landing pages while creating campaigns.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to add multiple landing pages in your performance marketing campaign on Trackier. 

How to Add Multiple Landing Pages in Your Performance Marketing Campaign

  • To add a landing page go to the particular Campaign > Settings > Landing page.
  • Click on ‘Add New’ to add a new landing page. 
  • And add the following details.

Title: set the title for that landing page.

Preview URL: Enter the preview URL here.

Destination URL: Enter the final URL here.

Type: Here you can choose from the Landing page and Pre-landing page.

Status: You can set the status as Active or Pause for the Landing pages.

Specific Pubs: You can include or exclude specific publishers for your landing page.

Targeting Rule: You can set the rule basis of country, region, city, and ISP.

Rule Value: Enter the country, region, city and ISP name.

Enable Time Targeting: You can set a different timezone and add targeting.

Description: You can add a note for internal purposes.

If you need assistance adding multiple landing pages to your performance marketing campaign, you can always contact your dedicated Customer Success Manager. They’d be happy to help. 

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