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Trackier Initiatives For The Differently-Abled

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Taking forward our initiative for total inclusion, the Trackier team spent a day interacting with the residents of the Samarthnam trust in hopes to engage in empowering and enabling persons with disabilities (PwDs) and helping them join the workforce.

We hope that this will launch a series of activities that will help us embark upon a journey where we will be able to facilitate the creation of policies, ease of physical access to workplaces, and use of assistive technologies for the differently-abled. We are also looking forward to investing and volunteering in the job fairs that Samarthnam Trust conducts.

We hope to see a world where employment to the differently-abled is not on the basis of compassion or reservation, but purely on their capabilities and their qualifications which if you interact with the good people of Samarthnam Trust, you will quickly realize that they do not lack in.

On the occasion of Christmas, we sought to bring a little holiday cheer to their residents and the experience sensitized our team to the challenges faced by PwDs.

We believe in empowering the marginalized sections of society. But aside from education and employment, enjoyment cannot be put on the backburner. This is why we organized a cultural section in our program where we played games and the residents showcased their different talents from singing, poetry, to recalling old soap show tunes.

It is about time that we as a society acknowledge that differently-abled people although living a more challenging life, are an equal and important part of our community. Thus, we at Trackier are committed to upholding an inclusive work environment where ideas and contributions are welcome regardless of gender, disability, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Our gates are open for anyone with the right skills.

If you are looking to volunteer or looking to start a career working for NGOs, Samarthnam Trust has all the right opportunities for you. Visit their website to find out how you can help

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