Choose the best performance marketing software
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Choose The Best Performance Marketing Tool

Performance marketing or affiliate marketing softwares have become a major game changer in the industry in the past few years. As the time elapses, the advertisers, ad network agencies, and publisherscame across the same problem – when to start an affiliate program & how to promote a product efficiently with tracking. They all want was to get best ROI from their affiliate program. They work on different media buying models likewise CPA(Cost per Acquisition), CPM(Cost per Thousand Impressions), CPC(Cost per click) or CPS(Cost per Sale) depending on the program. And yet they achieved growth! 

Choose the best performance marketing software




Affiliate Marketing

Evolution of Affiliate Marketing!

But STOP! you would be thinking (if you are a newbie):

  • What is Affiliate Marketing Program?
  • What is Performance Marketing?
  • How to even build a Performance Marketing Campaign? And, at last, is there any tool for measuring the Performance of the Campaigns?

If you are thinking these questions, then don’t worry as professional Advertisers, Networks, Agencies, and Publishers must have thought the same before enrolling themselves in the Affiliate Marketing Program. Exactly! So, Let me try to answer – what is Performance Marketing, Need of Performance Marketing then and after that How to Choose A Right Performance Marketing Tool For Your Business. 

What is Online Performance Marketing?

Suppose, you are a brand who needs to promote an XYZ product and want the Best Publishers for your Product. Then, Online Performance Marketing will let you decide which Publishers to chose, which Areas are needed to be targeted and which platforms and strategy should be applied to your product and what should be the KPIs should use to increase ROI. 

Performance Marketing

 And you would choose that Publisher who has your niche market who will be seeing your ad. Right? Because you know those visitors can become your Customers as you targeted your product in the right niche. Again, right?  The chances of your Niche Targeting can turn the good things for you with various media buying models like CPM, CPC, CPA or CPS to ease the payments stuff. But have you ever thought why there is a need of Performance Marketing? And, why should you require Performance Marketing in your Business??? This will be answered in the following question.

Why there is a need for Performance Marketing?

According to the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), ‘Value of UK OPM(online performance marketing)’ study, performance marketing delivers an average £14 return for every £1 invested.

Marketers, in the past, were so frustrated with the traditional advertisements methods as they cannot monitor them. They can’t measure who is viewing their ads offline, they can only estimate that roughly. Right? But this didn’t continue in the Digital Age anymore. As the Entrepreneurs understood the deadly problems of Advertisers & Publishers both, which gradually gave birth to the Online Performance Marketing(OPM).


After recognizing the urgency of Performance Marketing via different digital channels including Android, advertisers and publishers deployed the robust Tracking Tools for The Web + App Tracking. That eventually helped them a lot in Growing Digitally!

How to choose the right Performance Marketing Tool?

To choose the right Performance Marketing Tool for your business, you should consider these 11 things in the tool:

  1. App Installs Tracking,
  2. Auto-Generate Invoices,
  3. Billing for Advertisers/Publishers,
  4. Custom Report Calculations,
  5. Domain Masking,
  6. Events Tracking,
  7. Native Recommendation Engine,
  8. Pixel and Postback Control,
  9. Superior Support,
  10. XLS/CSV Analysis,
  11. White-label Branding.


Is there any Performance Marketing Tool For Me?

You would be delighted to know that there exist some robust Performance Marketing Tools for your business like Trackier to give you unbelievable analytics at your hand. With the unprecedented Web Analytics’ features like Events tracking, Pixel Control, Post-back Control, White-label Branding, and much more, the brands can deploy Trackier on their Platform to grow their business substantially. Additionally, with the rapid increase in Android usage, Trackier provides you with an Android Attribution SDK- With 5 seconds installation for making and tracking your campaigns on the Mobile.

Here’s the SIGN UP NOW!  option for you all!

Still Confused about what to choose or how to choose? Visit FAQ or Contact us on info@trackier.com. We will love to solve your queries! 


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