Get A Deeper & More Insightful Look On The Reports

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Get a Deeper & More Insightful Look on the Report

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The passing of values between your own internal system, the Trackier and Attribution Analytics platforms, and your publishing partners’ internal systems require discerning your “parameter variables” from your “macros” and how to use these two pieces of information appropriately. Both of these terms have various meanings throughout the tech world and as we do not want to create confusion let’s define now how we at Trackier use these two terms and their application under our REPORT Section.

Get A Deeper & More Insightful Look On The Reports

Now with the increase in the number of parameters and macros family, you can have extra knowledge about your reporting. We have Increased one more parameter as {p5} which can be appended in tracking URLs and sub5 can be used as an extra parameter to pass the macro. {conversion_ip} macro can be used to get the IP address from which conversion has been taken place, {conversion_datecan be used to know/pass the Date on which conversion took place, the data would be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD; For example: ‘2017-06-25’, {conversion_datetime} used to know/pass both Date and Time of the conversion, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS; For example:  ‘2017-06-25 11:27:06’, {conversion_time} can be used for Conversion time formatted as UNIX timestamp in epoch milliseconds; For Example 1498370226424, // milliseconds. 

See the Full list of our  parameters and Macros

{campaign_id} Id of Campaign {campaign_title} Title of Campaign
{aff_id} ID of Publisher running the Campaign {aff_name}, {aff_username} Name/Username of Publisher running the Campaign
{adv_id} ID of Advertiser for which the campaign is running {tdomain} Tracking domain on which the Campaign Runs
{click_id} Unique ID of Click Event Recorded {click_time} Timestamp for the Click Event
{p1}, {p2}, {p3}, {p4}, {p5} Tracking Parameter’s which was appended in tracking url {device_id} Device ID For App Installs Campaign
{payout}, {rate} Payout/Sale rate Rate in USD for the Campaign (ONLY in CALLBACKS) {reporting_rate}, {reporting_payout} Payout/Sale rate Rate in Default Currency(ONLY in CALLBACKS)
{agent} Browser on which the Click Event occured {referer} Referring Domian for the Click Event
{country_id} 2 Digit Country ID {ip} Connecting IP of User
{random} 7-15 Digit number randomly selected  {conversion_id} Unique ID of Conversion Event Recorded
{conversion_ip} IP address of the user device, recorded on conversion {conversion_date} Date on which conversion took place, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD; For example: ‘2017-06-25’
{conversion_datetime} Date and Time of the conversion, formatted as YYYY-MM-DD HH: MM: SS; For example:  ‘2017-06-25 11:27:06’ {conversion_time} Conversion time formatted as UNIX timestamp in epoch milliseconds; For Example: 1498370226424, // milliseconds
sub1,sub2,sub3,sub4,sub5 Parameters used to pass the macros.

Have any question? Ask us at support@trackier.com.

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