Choose the best Attribution SDK
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How to Choose The Best Android Attribution SDK?

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If you are amongst these people( affiliates, advertisers, or an ad agency) who are ready to track their activities on the app via technology like Appattibution.io or a person who is just keen to know about Android Attribution SDK for the future. 

Then you are at the right place to understand it. And, luckily, you do not need any prior knowledge about it to perceive it as I will briefly explain to you about the Android Attribution Analytics. So let me start by giving you the description of Android Attribution SDK. After that ‘Why is it needed?’ and ‘How to Choose the best Android Attribution SDK?’ will be answered by me as you will scroll down.

How to choose the best android SDK

What is Android Attribution SDK?

Android Attribution SDK is the Software Development Kit(SDK) built for Performance Marketers to let them measure the App Installs, Event tracking, Source tracking, and Paid ads campaigns’ tracking for enhancing their Performance.

Got that? Not yet? See what happens is that Performance Tracking is a necessity in today’s Marketing world as it is said if you can’t measure it- you can’t manage it. Right? And, tracking campaigns via a website is not a big task, you can merely do that by using cookies, through UTM or vNative, Hasoffers, and getCake like premium tracking software. But this is not the same case in Android Applications. You cannot rely on cookies to do the same work for you, therefore you need something better to make Applications’ behavior traceable. 

That’s why SDKs are required to do the App install tracking, events tracking, paid advertising clicks tracking in apps, and much more. That was about the definition and need for Android Analytics SDK. But how to choose the best Android Analytics Attribution??? This is what will be told to you NOW!

How To Choose The Best Android Attribution SDKs?

When there are so many SDKs, we all get stuck on some questions like: Which Android SDKs should I choose? Will that provider is reliable? Will it work as per the requirement? Or, What is the ultimate SDK that Competitors must be using? 

If you have ever thought of that, then it won’t be continued… Yeah! Because I’m going to suggest you the 7 things that need to be on your checklist while choosing your SDK- which will henceforth accelerate your performance tracking drastically.

  1. Convertible – It’s not in your hands to estimate which ad networks will be your future clients, so it’s better to select a well-connected highly convertible attribution SDK.
  2. Pricing- While selecting anything, our main aspect usually remains the cost of the SDK provider. There are so many out there- some are costly, some are cheaper and some in between. So, you need to research properly while getting the budget SDK before choosing the Platform.
  3. Stable – You should choose a highly stable SDK- one that has established long-term partnerships with other ad networks, advertisers, and publishers.
  4. Light – Choose a light Attribution SDK. I mean which does not mess up with your Memory and Network, source code, and rest of the stuff.
  5. Proficient – “Too many cooks spoil the broth”, says Jane Austen. Similarly, while choosing the particular SDK to check its specialty, as too many features seem to be good but you need an SDK that is proficient in Attribution Analytics more than the rest of the staff.
  6. Deep linking – It’s a basic requirement to have deep linking capabilities in your SDK- check that for sure. Consequently, your attribution tools should be able to offer you the option to track deep links, as well as regular links.
  7. Support– The critical thing which I require is support from the provider. If I got stuck somewhere in tracking or managing campaigns, the provider should be ready to solve my issue. So, check the provider you are looking for Attribution is providing you with excellent 24*7 support or not.


If you consider Convertibility, Pricing, Stability, Light, Proficient, Deep Linking and Support before selecting any SDK, then you would easily choose the Best Android Attribution SDK for sure. Besides, if you want to talk and discuss more about our attribution solutions, feel free to contact us at any point of the day. Feel free to contact us. We would be happy to help.

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